Thursday, October 10, 2013

Fleeting Like Fairy Wings...

"Garden fairies come at dawn, bless the flowers, then they're gone"
          --Author Unknown                                    

My Beautiful Willow Bean,
At 18 months you are blossoming into a funny, explorative, extremely expressive and terrifically cuddly little toddler! You love to dance at home, in the street... in the aisles of Barnes & Noble! You've started to sing! Your favorites these days are: "This Little Light of Mine" and the Dora theme song! You are still nursing, partly because you very passionately still want to, and partly because I'm having a hard time putting an end to this phase--because with it ends a very special chapter of your babyhood! You have started stringing together some sentences and the one that bowls me over every time is "You okay Momma?", because you utter it with such earnest compassion every time I sneeze, or chuckle...or close my eyes. You love wrestling with your sister on the couch, and the two of you giggle, squeal, beg for tickles and make forts with the pillows, until one of you invariably has had enough and Daddy or I must intervene and console! When you smile, you smile with your eyes and with your heart! I feel so proud to be your Mommy and so blessed to be near you every day to bear witness to all your new beginnings. I hope you always rest assured that your family loves you unconditionally!

Jana Knupp
Betsy Morgan
Annie Fox
Rebecca Orton
Amber Yarnevich
Carrie Nelson
Adrienne Russell

I have recently joined a blog circle with some very talented ladies! To view their beautiful work please click the above links!


  1. You write so passionately and lovingly. These testaments - through both print and picture - will add so much to the many, many more-than-wonderful experiences that the girls have with their Mommy and that we all have as a family. A sincere thanks - I'm impressed by all that you do and proud of your work and moved by your soul. I love you!!!

  2. Ah, this image just kills me ... and your title is perfect. Willow is such a little cherub ... x
